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Cadets age 12 to 17

Cadets can join from age 12 (must be in year 8) but we welcome new cadets up to age 17.
We have "intakes" in September, January, June and we prefer to take cadets in groups where they can complete their initial training together. (But we can take cadets at other times too - just get in touch).
To join up, email us, call us or get in touch via Facebook.


Adult Volunteers

There are a number of different roles that adults can take within the Air Cadets.  

  • Uniformed Staff

  • Civilian Instructors

  • Civilian Welfare Committee

These roles differ in what functions they run with the cadets and the time commitment expected of the volunteer.

Cadet Welfare is paramount and training is provided to ensure that staff can safely run cadet activities.

If you're considering volunteering to join the Air Cadets, get in touch or give us a call to discuss the different roles.


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